English • 日本語

NHK Documentary Film: The Aftermath
(Imphal and Kohima Campaign (March-June  1944)

NHK TV Documentary Film project (NHK: Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai: Japan Broadcasting Corporation) was launched in 2016 and our Chairman Akiko Macdonald was asked to help NHK for pursuing the TV production project. In 2017 between May and June Akiko organised the Imphal/Kohima Campaign in the north eastern India for taking the long trip to research and to find the war-witnesses to Imphal (Capital of Manipur state) and Kohima (Capital of Nagaland) hiring the professional camera crews. Akiko travelled together with the NHK’s director and the camera crews with our friends in Imphal, Mr Rajeshwor Yumnam.

Rajeshwor is the founder and the leader of a local volunteer group called WWII Imphal Campaign Foundation (WICF) which was established in 2014. One of BCS’s member Mr Chris Johnson is the long time friend of Rajeshwor. Akiko was communicating with both Chris and Rajeshwor regarding the BCS’s project that must carry out someday. The project which is stated in our website. (One of the aims of BCS mission is to connect with India and/or Burma to hold joint-memorial services and to achieve reconciliation which includes the places and the people where the battles took place during the WWII.)

Interviewees are: British Imphal and Kohima veterans, Japanese Imphal and Kohima veterans and India’s indigenes of Naga and Manipuri. All of those witnesses are above 80s to 90s of age.

The Documentary has altogether 3 series in English and 3 long series added to the main NHK Special Documentary Programme in Japanese.

One of the English final version “Aftermath of Imphal Campaign” – Pilgrimage Episode 1 and Conciliation Episode 2 are available to see in this page below
BCS plans to hold some events in the future to show all of the series of this NHK documentary film of which has astonishing historical discoveries by the Japanese former soldiers’ testimonial interviews were made before they all passed away recently.

Locations of the visit were: Japan, UK and North Eastern India.
Interviewees are: British Imphal and Kohima veterans, Japanese Imphal and Kohima veterans and India’s indigenes of Naga and Manipuri. All of those witnesses are above 80s to 90s of age.

Japanese Soldiers’ bone recovery and repatriation to the home country

The Chairman, Akiko Macdonald is helping the Japanese NGO – Japan Association for Promotion of Recovery and Repatriation of Japanese Soldiers’ bones.
One behalf of the Burma Campaign Society and for the all souls whose bodies have never recovered in the war zone, we were asked to cooperate the Japanese Government’s policy for sending the bones back to their homeland. The Chairman, Akiko was providing the organisation the war records as well as given appropriate advice for connecting the local people where the actual battles took during the Imphal/Kohima Campaign. The activities are right now progressing very well and hoping to give more detailed information updated later this year.

“When you go home”
When you go home
Tell them of us
and say
For your Tomorrow
We gave our Today
The Burma Campaign Society

The Burma Campaign Society © 2013