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Slim, Master of War: Burma and the Birth of Modern Warfare

By Robert Lyman

General W. J. Slim achieved something no one believed possible. Appointed to lead what was soon to become the famous ‘forgotten’ 14th Army in 1943, at a time when British units in the Far East were defeated and demoralised, within six months he had dealt the first death blow to the Japanese Army. This – the battle of Kohima and Imphal – was the largest single defeat of the Japanese on land in the Second World War and led to their complete destruction in Burma by August 1945. So, how did he do it? And why is he not better known? Slim did not fit the British military mould. Like Patton he was a manoeuvrist: he fought differently, seeking victory by cunning and guile, starkly different from how the British Army fought its wars at the time. Like the legendary soldier T. E. Lawrence, Slim was an exponent – long before it became fashionable – of mission command, giving his subordinates their head and encouraging initiative and imagination at the lowest levels of command. But above all Slim was a soldier’s general – it wasn’t just his men who revered him, but his equals too: Mountbatten, with whom he bonded in a way unparalleled in South East Asia Command, and Stilwell, another maverick, who would serve under no other British commander but him. They were not wrong; he was a singular man, a supreme commander, who remains worthy of our respect.

AMAZON: Slim, Master of War: Burma and the Birth of Modern Warfare

Origins of the Pacific War and the Importance of ‘Magic’

By Komatsu Keiichiro

Argues that in the final phase of the eight months of US-Japan talks leading to the attack on Pearl Harbor, serious mistranslations in Magic (the US decoding system) were a significant factor in the cumulative effect of mutual misunderstandings which grew between the two sides.

Short summary: see Library

AMAZON: Origins of the Pacific War and the Importance of ‘Magic’

The Military mule in the British army and Indian army: an anthology

By Brian Nicholls, Philip Malins, Charles Hemphill Townsend MacFetridge


平久保 正男、元陸軍主計中尉

「私は生死の間を彷徨い戦没者の意志によって生かされているもの」と考え、食糧もなく兵器も弾丸もなく、後方支援ゼロ、瘴癘の戦場で、山を越え、河を渡 り、彷徨する弊衣を纏うた味方兵士のために、没我の境地となり、東奔西走した烈兵団58連隊の若き主計士官が書き綴った青春苦闘の異色ビルマ戦記。


AMAZON: 『真実のインパール―印度ビルマ作戦従軍記』


小松 啓一郎
Book by Dr Keiichiro Komatsu on the Pacific War

日本の外交暗号「マジック」は、ここまで歪めて訳されていた! 日米開戦の決定打「たかが誤訳」を生んだパーセプション・ギャップ(認識の差)の正体とは? オックスフォード大で話題を集めた学位論文の普及版。

AMAZON: 『暗号名はマジック―太平洋戦争が起こった本当の理由』

ヨーロッパ スピリチュアル街道を行く!


Book by Kyoko Akaike (Chapter 8 mentions the work of the Burma Campaign Society)
「チャプター8 日英の和解への手綱となる場所 イギリス コヒマ・ミュージアム」にBCSの活動が紹介されている。

AMAZON: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Slim-Master-War-Modern-Warfare/dp/184529226X

“When you go home”
When you go home
Tell them of us
and say
For your Tomorrow
We gave our Today
The Burma Campaign Society

The Burma Campaign Society © 2013